Friday, October 7, 2011

Today, Things are Looking Up.

First: my friend came to early morning seminary. he even ate his eggs raw so he would be there on time. he's one of the most amazing people I've ever met.

Second: the history/political science test I was stressed about was a piece of cake. Thank you Mr. Haymond for drilling those theories and ideas into me so I don't even have to study for this class.

Third: I have friends in Paige and Jess. We altos? yah, we rock. Oh and Joe's hugs are wonderful pick-me-ups.

Fourth: Lunch time was just fun, with my friend's younger brother eating with us it was cool to just see those two bouncing off each other. I like seeing siblings who are friends in and outside of school. Also Libby's attempts to warm up Seth's peach...ha. Oh the lovely things of life (:

Fifth: my apple was so big, it could even have been used to show the size of my brain, that's how big it was. not even joking - please believe me. it was maximus (:

Sixth: in Andrews' class I got the assignment done with plenty of time to spare. that's always nice not having homework.

Seventh: Mr. Bills will find a surprise for him when he gets back to his choir room. I'm excited to hear about that one... (:

Eighth: watching fiddler was extremely enjoyable being surrounded by friends who appreciate all the same things that I do. It's surprising to notice what a difference that makes, that instead of friends teasing your likes and etc., they are agreeing with you. It's a good feeling.

Ninth: I'm going on a date tonight.

Life is always better when you look upward instead of downwards. Yesterday I changed my blog's title in case you didn't notice...{yah, blind much if you didn't notice?} It's from a talk from the last conference. I love it. Yesterday I wrote at least six different posts just about how disappointed I was about the day...but didn't post them. Today...there were downs to it, but it's always just better to focus on those things that will lift rather than drag.

Life is still good. Life is truly beautiful, even in it's hurts and sorrows.

{post script}: I now have sixteen followers! (: my goal of having 20 by the end of the school year is seeming more and more possible each time I see those numbers change (: thank you readers for...ha, reading. it means a lot to me that my thoughts, my words mean something to another person, even if it is just a passing thought.

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