Saturday, October 8, 2011


today I attended the Payson, Utah Temple Groundbreaking ceremony. Well, not in person but I saw it from my stake center. It was a bit warmer that way.

It was beautiful, especially considering some recent conversations about the temple and it being our Northern Star on my mind. It was a beautiful experience. I love the temple, I love those beautiful Houses of the Lord, and I cannot imagine my life without their blessings and beauty.

I woke early and after talking to my mom briefly about my date last night, I went and showered and got ready to leave. My family had decided not to go because they have many things they need to get done today and had viable reasons that sadly were keeping them from it, they wanted to go but couldn't. So my dad dropped me off and I found a spot where it would be least convenient for me, a single seat, would be least missed and least noticed.

At one point I turned around and saw the mother of my date last night, that was neat, because I knew he was there. I love knowing that not only people talk of truth but they live it as well. I feel like their family is a very good example of that. I also looked back again at some point and saw my date, he didn't see me but it was nice anyway.

But, in my heart there was only reason I was there: because this is my temple.

That has some significance to me, seeing as I grew up within the Timpanogos district my entire life, that one I sometimes think should feel more like my temple, but something moved inside of me when I first saw that picture of the Payson Temple, the artist rendering of it at least. And like I said, it is my temple.

The temple is my northern star, it's the guiding light to my ship upon this sea of troubles. And it is beautiful.

This is why I went to the groundbreaking. In two years time when it is completed I will go there and do baptisms. Waiting patiently for my temple to be finished will be difficult because I'm just so excited! But someday, I will return to receive my endowments as well {either before my mission or before I get married, whichever is first} and then I will be sealed there, there in that beautiful holy place.

It was nice too, because afterward my dad came up to me. He had decided to come last minute. He wasn't able to sit by me but he was there. It was kind of funny, I was only able to wave to my date from last night because I thought I needed to hurry and call my dad to come pick me up, but my dad was able to talk to him briefly.

This day is also going in my journal, just like last night.

To be a part of every step in the coming of this temple is also a miraculous blessing. I think of all the people who have helped me get to the temple before, my bishops, my Young Women's leaders, my friends, and it is truly miraculous. And I am thankful.

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