Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Miss You

Right now I'm in sort of a low mood...which is weird, I haven't been in one of those for a while - I've either been really happy, carefree, slightly angry, really sorry...because I've been really stupid again and...just really happy all around. This summer has been a really carefree happy one for me so far - seeing as I couldn't get a job until after the move, I haven't gotten one yet (that will change in two weeks....hm.) But anyway - I figured I was missing some people so I would write a blog post about some of them.

Haha...one or two code names will be used sadly, not because I'll be saying anything bad about anyone (remember I miss these people) but rather because I don't want to embarrass myself. Yah. Anyway.

Duh Blonde. I miss the long talks and the strange adventures we had; like offroading...popping two tires in one night (seriously? what were
we thinking?), hot springs, shooting, reading the Book of Mormon in 1 week, music challenge, makeup challenge...I just miss it all. I don't necessarily miss the last few weeks of drama and sadness and weird heartachy stuff, and all the drama...following the mess you left me with to deal with. Yah and no thanks for t
he mess after conference too - sorry, rule or no rule that was stupid that you couldn't say "Hi". It's funny...a lot of the things that I miss, I don't miss at all. Like...I really do like wearing makeup (oooh horrible kaylla I know right?) gosh, you probably think I'm being a jerk, then in your head you're feeling bad for me right now that I've gone down such a horrible path...it's funny - because I feel great. I love who I am and I love my friends and I love where I'm going. And you know what? I love my music. A lot. So ultimately, I miss you - but I'm glad that chapter is over.

Jordon, my brother. I actually miss you complaining about me demanding hugs every time you left home. I miss your stupid loud music (I acquired your speakers by the way when I cleaned out your room...) ;). I miss having you randomly come into my room and talking to me, making me
turn away from the computer screen and maybe snapping some quick pictures with my webcam. I miss helping you practice Lacrosse. I miss seeing your walls and scarves when
I dusted your room. By the way - I found your sticky notes in your closet...it's funny - I don't think I really knew you until after you left for Texas...which is weird because I missed you a lot anyway, but then I really missed you because I realized I hadn't used my time with you very wisely. I'm sorry for being such a priss, so annoying when your friends came over...having my own friends now with annoying siblings, I realize what a PAIN I was. I miss hearing you down in the basement singing to your iPod (turn down the volume hon) because you are SERIOUSLY tone deaf. I miss trying to teach you how to play the piano (I'm still gonna by the way) (: even if your fingers are curved weird, we'll get passed that. I really miss you.

Summer...you were the best friend I had when I was an unsocial homeschooler. That was awesome. Do you rem
ember playing Star Wars? I loved how that one time we combined it with Lord of the Rings...or was it Harry Potter? Oh and your edited board game?! Oh those were good times. I remember your basement kind of scared me - and it was cold. :) And that hill in your back yard was SO SO BIG! I miss our childlike fun. I really would totally go back to that, maybe not permanently but I still totally would.

Katie. Katherine? No - you'll always be my Katie. Haha...purple taffy finger? Ugh that hurt my thumbs so much girl you have no idea what I went through for you ;) jk. I remember in 3rd grade being that stupid new kid and not having any friends, and the one girl who I thought I could make friends with (Sophie) was absent the whole following
week, but you - you found me as I was hiding behind the pillar being a loner and just randomly gave me a hug. After that, we kind of went in and out each year as friends but know this hon, I always loved you. I'm going to miss you as you go to college and start your life. Don't change too much of the world, I still like cars that drive on the ground ;) oh and I'm so thankful you got over that mushroom haircut, the rabbits, and squeezing the blood out of my hands. I love you :)

Esteban - Frenchy friend. You are so easy to talk to. I have no idea why, because you haven't been known for keeping secrets ;) but it's kind of impossible not to just love you. heck, it's awesome. I miss hearing you down in Nick's basement singing California something...ohh my goodness, good times. Oh and how you couldn't land your flips (not that I could either) haha. Our facebook chats about music and the school romances...haha and sign language in the hallways! I miss you. I really wish I could have talked to you more in person. Miss you....

Cortlynd! Ha
ha remember how my mom couldn't stop calling you Courtney?! and I could swear that the guy I liked (Brandon) liked you. :) It was a weird year, but weirder, is that I remember you and miss you. I think we really could have been really close friends if you hadn't moved away just as it was getting good. I see your grandma around sometimes, has she passed on the "Hi"s? I hope so because I miss your smiles. I miss how people thought we were twins, that was the best - especially when I borrowed your sweater hahaha. Oh good times. Wow...we were so little in 4th grade, that's like crazy weird - but I miss you too :)

Madison (you don't think I'd forget to list you...I would have put you first but I didn't want to be...obvious) :P (hasn't been long since the last time I saw you either) but you know you're on this list ;) I miss talking to you...gotta say you were one of the best things about my Jr. and last year at AHS. I made a lot of mistakes - but I'm so glad you've forgiven me. Dude, have I ever told you that I actually do have a song for you? Yah, it's the acoustic version of "Down" by Jay Sean - every time I hear it I remember one of the many stake dances we went to - the one that was the day after Prom. Those were the best nights of my life - the days after Prom. I also don't think I ever told you how I wrote a letter to you a couple days after Field Day (you know what I mean by Field Day), and even though I guess it was a really sweet letter I never...sent it to you. Go figure. Missed that chance. Oh and Conference and Temple square...ahh that was the best 13 hr date I've ever been on ;) haha and ONLY one too. I miss...cough...a lot of things, probably wont say everything I miss hear because 1) that'd be awkward, 2) I know you've read this blog a few times and some things are just between you and me and I know other people read this blog too, 3) it'd be too long and I have a couple other people I want to cover before this post is anciently long. So know that you really are on my thoughts a lot, and even though I've made mistakes - I still miss you. A freakin lot. and no I'm not going to change my mind about that - I never do...I just, get confused. :P ANYway. I'll shutup now.

Kim!! I was actually thinking about you today, I saw a golfer I thought "Kim is SO totally way better than that old bug there." Not that I'm biased or anything. ;) You were the one who told me about 11:11 wishes, remember? Oh and the necklace theory? You have NO idea how those have changed my life - like you REALLY have no idea. You probably never will...seeing as you never freakin texted me back!!! We gotta talk and hang out sometime. Haha, remember your party and playing steal-the-flag and that dude you swore you would set me up with once I was 16? Well...I'm free now,how bout it?! haha Jk, I hear you've got yourself a man too - why didn't you ever tell me! I've missed our UBER long talks on gmail chat too haha, wow, I read one once and I seriously cannot get over it - you were OBSESSED with Christian, like no way. NO other girl can pass off being more obsessed than you were - I thought I liked CA (heh heh remember the initials?) a lot but whoa, you're love outshone mine no doubt. :) I miss you hon, you seriously made my 8th grade year absolutely amazing! And so...I dunno just HAPPY. You've always been a really happy person - and I loved that :)

Cameron Allred! AHhhhhhh! My favorite memories with you pal are those math classes. Wow. I swear if I didn't know that at the time you liked someone else you were a MAJOR flirt hon. ;) Haha there are just so many things I remember about school with you, it's kinda crazy. Like dances - you have a very distinctiv
e way of dancing, it's kind of funny. Then the Shakespeare Play - oh gosh I liked you quite a bit. Yah, I know that was weird and kinda creepy - honestly, so glad I got over you, otherwise I couldn't have been friends with you. :) You've kind of changed, I don't know if we'd have as much fun in Math class but I will always remember you fondly. Miss the good times - but again - the chapters over, and life is good as it goes on :)

Jordon Andersen!!!!!!!! Oh my freaking heck. I miss you too. It's been way too long since I've seen you. I've gone to stake dances simply hoping I'd see you and now I guess you've moved to Ohio or Iowa or something? What's with that? come back - I still need a date with my hot friend :) oh and do you remember showing me that book with the airplanes in it? Haha ok ok so these are my two favoritest memories of you - we were in PE class and it was that parachute shark game and you tagged my feet and you gave me the cutest and sweetest look I've ever seen. oh it made my heart melt haha. The other memory is when you were "cheating" off of the teacher's math book and I wouldn't let you and so you sat in my seat or something...I can't remember everything but it was totally the funniest look you gave me when you wouldn't move. I loved it. Remember my summer letters? ahh, what a romantic girl I was eh? haha - by the way, your brother was HORRIBLE for teasing me about that. ;) Miss you pal, hope the midwest loves you as much as we all utahns do :)

*siiiggggghhhhhhh there are so many people I miss it's not even funny. I'm going to stop here - it's just too long and I covered the basics. Know that if we ever had a good time, I miss you.

*Gabby and Alyssa (don't you DARE think I forgot you - I just want to dedicate a post especially to you two) ;) beware. I love you guys!



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