Monday, July 4, 2011

BBQ's and Fireworks

the land of the free and the brave. free from what? evil? not really. brave...what are we not afraid of?

sorry, i don't mean to be a pessimist, but wait - seriously...what is it that makes america so great? de toqueville said that america was great because it was good...and when we cease to be good, we will cease to be great.

so i ask...are we good?

i look around, i see families torn apart, a country raved by the sickness of nude promiscuity. blatant homosexuality and shameless pride in disrespect. is this really good? has "good" lost it's meaning and become simply "good enough"?

have we, americans, really let it come to this? what a horrible gradual grand descent it has been. when we no longer have to sacrifice for what we have, when we can simply apply for it and make someone else pay for it - we are no longer free, we are the slaves.

republic? democracy? socialism...?.......communism....??? where are we really? and do we honestly want to know if we are no longer the land of the free or brave? I don't think we do - because then we would, and we would change it.

so today is the 4th of july - men are out in foreign countries sacrificing their lives for a dream {trying to give that dream to others, even if i disagree slightly with this whole war stuff whatever} they still sacrifice...while we BBQ and set off fires like stupid teenagers in fields full of weeds {yup - i've seen it...ugh...} after all the fireworks, the food, the junk and everything....have we thought about how our ancestors suffered?

A woman asked Ben Franklin on the street after the signing "what have you given us?" and he responded "a republic madam, if you can keep it" {emphasis added}

i ask - have we kept it?


ps - i love the fireworks. it's gotta be my favorite part {aside from thanking the Lord over and over again for a country in which i can still pray to Him}

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