Chapstick and it's horrible and awe-inspiring consequences . . . something I think about a lot during the winter believe it or not.
So I have this really silly habit of licking my lips a lot but it's not my lips that get the worst of it - it's just above them or just below, if you look at them on a bad day then I'll bet I have red all splotchy there. During the school year my favorite skirt was the khaki one was my favorite was not because it went with the most colors or it fit the best - it was the only one that had a pocket :D and pockets contain chapstick! And if you haven't noticed then carrying chapstick in your pencil pouch gets annoying especially if you have the habit of losing them . . . like I do . . . I go through a minimun of at least 10 a year? (dunno 'bout you but to me that's a lot - 'specially since I pay for all my stuff except room and board.) :D
So. pet peeve #1 concerning chapstick (if you have been involved with me concerning this - I am about to reveal a secret of germaphobia that you have not experienced) - When people ask me if they can borrow my chapstick (don't feel offended) but it grosses me out that someone else would want to put their mouth on something I've practically been sucking on since the moment I bought it (they usually last a LONG time until I lose one . . . and I do use it at least twice a day) so that's gross and THEN they th
pet peeve #2 - People ask to borrow my chapstick and then DON'T RETURN IT??? I can understand in the case of a pencil but chapstick? (although I'm not forgiving with pencils and pens either - I treasure those things . . . if you've been my friend long enough then you'll have had an experience where you'll borrow something of mine and after you've used it for what I deemed it worthy to lend it for I will pester you kindly and graciously until you give it back) :) am I a nerd? (rhetorical - do not answer.)
pet peeve #3 - ummmmmm nope actually I think that's it :D
OOOOHHHHHhhh!! Helpful hints!!
1. Have chapped lips in the morning? the brand Chapstick and Western Family both have a scent/flavor vanilla and I find this one is the best for just before bed, leaves it nice and moist in the morning. I also usually have this one with my throughout the day for routine "wetting" as it's not that great for on the spot need of major hydration.
2. The best way to tell if a kind of chapstick or lip hydrater or whatever is the best for when your lips are scabby and your upper and/or lower lips are red and puffy and inflamed are the kinds that sting when you put them on. If it burns when
3. Lip gloss is not chapstick - just thought I'd get that clear, some lip glosses can hydrate but it is NOT chapstick - it is not lip stick either so get that out of your mind when looking for something to make a quick getaway for hydrated and lasting non-chapped lips. Most lip sticks will actually dehydrate unless you have a little bit of chapstick on before (in my opinion) and lip glosses will pretend to be chapstick but they last so much shorter and they usually taste horrible or too good and you lick anyway - I think I already said that? Maybe? no? oh well.
4. Bees wax - key ingredient if you want to make your own. It really does sting if you put it on chapped lips, other ingredients are nice (scent, lubricants, mint . . .) etc. but if you're in the wild one day and your lips are inflamed them bees wax is nice (though I think you should like melt it down a bit - I made some homemade once and it still has chunkies in it . . .)
5. Don't use too much - learn what is the right amount for you without having to have to wipe some away - if you don't lose things as easily and as often as I do then you want something that you like to last. Plus it's money your splattering all over your face, so if you've got money go ahead. :D
6. Don't put chapstick on before you brush your teeth or eat. It's not so bad with brushing your teeth but have you ever been eating your cold cereal in the morning and when you go for the second bite after having JUST put on chapstick . . . eewwwww . . . there's chapstick leftover waiting on that spoon. :)
I think that's it!!!
Have a great hydrated, lubricated lip day!!!
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