Friday, September 23, 2011


this song makes me happy: so i thought i'd share it with you.

quote of the day/embarrassing moment (although not mine...heh heh):

so i stuck my tongue out at this guy who was teasing me during Spotlight players and then i quickly turned around to face the front but he threw this comment at me (about sticking my tongue out) "Don't stick it out unless you want to share it!"

let's just say that lovely moments like this are our specialty. (: if you've been reading my blog you'll know who i'm talking about.

Also - heads up, i'm going to be posting less...because i want to write more personally about these people that i'm meeting and that kind of stuff belongs in my journal and not on a blog. But i won't forget you...I'll just...not remember you as much, because i'll be busy making the memories.

but just for kicks, here's a message to the girls: find a man who will talk to you just as willingly on the phone, as text and definitely face to face; who will save you from oncoming crowds of people in the hallway and who your friend, at all costs no matter what, no matter what people say about you that may or may not be true.


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