Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Perks and Quirks

ever taken the time to observe someone for a couple minutes and during that time noticed that something was seriously off about them? something about the way the walked, something about the way they talked, move around, dress, react, smile...did it bother you? annoy you? or did you completely fall in love with them?

has anyone ever told you their real pet peeves? like one of mine...i hate it when people chew loudly, or talk while eating...*shiver...

i've kind of been thinking about them a little bit again. it takes a very long time of looking at someone to see them do something like that, to make it a quirk or a habit that nobody else sees (sometimes not even themselves), so obviously you really only see those things in the people you admire, love, or are forced to be around the most, or when/if you are looking for them. obviously.

just some that i've noticed in other people...

there's this one girl i know who whenever i watched her play basketball on our school team, the way she runs reminds me of a girl that really needs to use the restroom... awkward... *cough.

another gal i love an adore, the moment she gets in her car she turns on her radio (and pretty loud too) and sometimes i wonder if she is doing it because we'll be in the middle of a conversation and then hop in the car and she'll blast the music... and we're still talking.

haha and then this girl i knew really well... she drank all the milk from her breakfast cereal first and then ate the actual cereal last.

there was this boy at my school as well - and i don't know if i've ever seen any other guy do it, but if he was playing soccer (it was never during any other time that i noticed) and he was waiting for the ball to come to him - he'd put his hands on his hips.

ha, i've been told that one of mine is that when i talk to any guys i always sway...i don't really know what they mean by "sway" but i guess i do because they even got my own mother to confirm it.

if you know me, you also know that i walk funny (which is one reason i can partly laugh at the way that other girl runs because i probably look just as awkward as she does). oh and i hate the word cute, well actually i hate it when people call me cute.... unless i'm actually being cute - but if they really mean pretty... ugh. just say pretty - not cute. it's so demeaning. haha

pet peeves.

we were talking about these in a sunday school class once a long long time ago, one person mentioned fingernails on a chalkboard and we all cringed. that's a pet peeve: something that makes you want to cringe or simply slap the causer silly until they stop. repugnating influences upon our sanity.

what's one of yours?

if you don't want to be silly-slapped then don't chew loudly (unintentionally) around me. if someone does it on purpose obviously that's different...but if you're like my mother and have absolutely no soundproofing barriers to protect the listeners from the grinding of your teeth from aware in my presence that i may become very very annoyed. AAAaaaahhhh! one time in a class i had at school this girl started randomly eating lettuce...yah, random i know and if you know me - i also don't have much of a thing for lettuce either.

she started crunching away like no other.

{insert insanity scream here}

it took all the patience inside my cynical blunt sarcastic little body to keep from telling her to stop shoving food in her pie-hole while i was trying to listen to the lesson. i tried giving her those "meaningful" looks too, and you'd think every girl is self-conscious enough to notice that look but no...she keeepppppttttt onnnnnnnn cchhheewwwiinnggg... !!! good thing that that was when the teacher noticed her eating in his classroom because i was about to let loose and be really rude.

saved by the teacher with a good eye. *relieved smile

maybe i'm annoying or i just get annoyed a lot but i have a feeling it's only going to get worse. lilly and my mom often take offense to my honesty... and they are the two people who know me best in this world (although, not by choice).

excuse me if i offended anyone in how blunt i was in this post. i love all these people dearly - duh, otherwise i wouldn't criticize them. yah i know - twisted logic - but really, that's the truth!



ps - i really like the no-capital letters idea, i saw it on someone else's blog. what do you think?

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