Saturday, July 10, 2010

I keep trying to load a picture and finally succeeded!!!! So one of my all-time favorite trilogies is the Star Wars stuff. I tend to like the I, II and III Episodes but the older ones, IV V and VI are okay too :) - they are classics after all. Anyway. Out of them ALL my favorite one is Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Why you may ask? Because it's the only one with a really detailed and noticeable love story. I'm a hopeless romantic, you can't find anyone worse than me. I don't really like the naughty R rated stuff and the mushy kissing but a good love story is EPIC to me. A couple of recent movie suggestions with good love plots are 1.) Letters to Juliet 2.) well I don't know 2 because I don't see movies in theatre very often. But I do tend to love things with Love Triangles. ANYWAY - back to Star Wars.

Recognize the villa? It's where Padme really falls in love with Ani. It's in Spain. Once when I was little I had a dream that I went there and my true love was there with me and we went into the kitchen and we made a mess. Let's just say my dreams aren't very romantic. At least most of the time.

This picture to me reminds me of how I want to travel the word. I want to go everywhere. Where there's beauty - I want to see if firsthand. What's the use of looking at pictures online if there's no story that you have to tell that goes with it? So I want to go to Spain IF ONLY just to see this beautiful villa that lucky for me is open to visitors. I know what it's called too :) but I don't have that with me right now or I would tell you. But it's beautiful. Almost as beautiful as THIS place

One day I plan on getting married here. The Bountiful Utah LDS Temple. It's a distance away more than most people go to get married but I want to be married here. It's beautiful.

Looking West of the temple at sunset is one of the most beautiful sights you will ever see. The Salt Lake and the marshes nearby reflect the light and the mountains and it's just breathtaking.

Ultimately going back to even the title of my blog - I wonder if this is another butterfly . . . just a flitting dream - or a reality. I know it's a reality. I will be married in the temple one day. This is the only place I will be married if I ever do get married. I don't believe in soul mates but when I meet the man who fulfills my hopes and dreams and for whom I inspire and who loves me -then maybe one day . . . . I will live Happily Ever After.



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