Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Sky

Hello :)

I have to say that (similar to someone else I know . . .) I love the sky. If there is one thing on earth besides people that I simply love - it would be the sky. The stars are included in that. Today there was something simply magical and beautiful about the sky. And on a strange side note - I felt that my necklace being stuck all day was somehow connected to such a . . . oh gosh I can't even find a word for it - clear but cloudy - gloriously fierce yet pastel pretty . . . anyway - it felt somehow connected to my necklace; and if you don't know the wive's-tale about necklaces than . . . I'll post it later as a postscript.

The sky was just constantly moving and I went to school thinking - oh it'll be gone by the time school gets out but it's been like this all day long! Just like a master painting, changes and flows. I expect the sunset to be glorious.

I walked up the steps from our basement apartment and turned and was just blown away by how beautiful the lake and the sky and the mountains looked. One of the most beautiful things in the entire world. I thought to the night before how clear and calm it was - cloudless. The stars were amazing and Orion was the first thing I looked for and saw.

Now for a little bit off subject . . . . Last night my family and I watched a movie called War and Peace with Audrey Hepburn in it - she's pretty good but not the best in my opinion (sorry Audrey lovers!) anyway. Needless to say - I don't think I like the way it ended. I wanted her to end up with Prince Andrei but I didn't get my wish - he did forgive her though and that would redeem the film if he hadn't died and she hadn't gone to Pierre instead. Grr-owl. I also thought that Prince Andrei was considerably more handsome and if I were her and if that were a real story I would never love anyone ever again. I have decided firmly though that I should read the book. I reccommend the movie too though! Highly reccommend!

Must go now, being kicked out of the "computer lab". Thanks for reading this by the way - it makes me feel special that anyone would :D

Love Much, Much Love!

Kaylla the Cricket ;)

OH! PS! - The necklace "theory". So it's pretty simple, when you're wearing a necklace with a pendant and a clasp at the back ever gotten to the point where the chain slides in a way that makes the clasp touch the pendant? Well, a long time ago (actually I think it was 5th grade) and galfriend told me that that means a boy is thinking about you. More recently a friend and I "modified" it in a sense - saying that whenever they touch then you're future husband is thinking about you. BUT since there is no such thing as soul mates or predestined matches or weird stuff like that it really is mostly a joke. BUT yet again . . . you never know. And besides - God knows everything, so there is (or at least could be) someone "foreordained" to be with you - ANYWAY! so there's the necklace/pendant/clasp "theory" or whatever you want to call it!

Love ya all!


1 comment:

brittani said...

Haha, Kaylla. You and your movies you silly willy nilly goose egg. :)
Speaking of, you wanted to show me the end of Where the Wild things Are. Another reason to be excited for June!
And we still need to watch Sarah Plain and Tall so that you can tell me... well... you know. :)
haha. love you!