Friday, May 25, 2012

when you're a girl.

you sleep in 3 and a half hours more than usual.

you curl up on the couch afterward with your rice bag heated to its maximum non-searing hot potential

you watch whatever tv shows your mom and sister want to because you hurt too much to move

you swallow nasty red pills and then drink soda so they'll go faster through your system

you wear basketball shorts before your shower and sweats after, even though you shaved.

you wait until 2pm to shower

and then you never do your hair or makeup until 8pm

you try to get something or even just anything done but once you are only a third of the way done, your pain meds run out on you and you're nauseated and you can't move until the next four kick in.

you can cry because your hair doesn't quite look right

you get a little moody because your dog left two hairballs on your room and must have slept on your bed

you can't make up your mind whether you can hang out with friends even though you know you really want to

and when you're a girl you really really wish that someone could hold you.


i'm still thankful. every moment. i am thankful, that i am a girl.

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