Sunday, October 30, 2011

just a phone call away.

my mind has these little moments that it imagines up. i don't really know where they come from {actually not gonna lie...a lot of them come from the silly romantic movies i watch, but they're different...personalized to me, i guess}.

i figured i'd write one down tonight, and share it with you.

{don't read into the fact that i used my own name, it's a tedious business naming a character and when i don't have time, i just use my own name. so no worries...}


young girl in college, runs out of her apartment in tears. her boyfriend and she just had an argument. she remembers her best friend from high school. i have to talk to someone. someone out there has to understand...i need a hug...

so she calls him.




"uh,...hi. this is kaylla."

"kaylla? wow, really? how are you?"

she nearly cries, it's so good to hear his voice again. instead she laughs and answers his question with one of those questions that can be taken either way

"'s...just life, y'know."


"haha...yah. how about you? what's going on in your life?"

"just school...guess the same as you, just life."


"kaylla, you still there?"

she feels the tears falling down her face but she's trying to hold the sounds of her cries.


"yah." she breathes in deeply "yah, i'm still here."

"kaylla...are you okay?"

her mind is going a million miles an hour and all she can say is

", i'm not."

more silence. then she continued.

"i needed to call someone." she paused and realized that that wasn't quite true. "actually...i needed to call you. i miss you. i wish...i wish i could have a hug right now. i...i feel so...lost. i'm sorry, is this a bad time? it was stupid. i shouldn't have called. it was just...reflex. i needed a friend. i needed...i needed my best friend."

she listened, paused but didn't quite wait long enough for him to say anything and went on.

"remember that time when you gave me a ride to that one party and dropping me off back home, when i asked told me we would always be friends? i guess, i guess i called you because i remembered that."

"kaylla...where are you? i'm gonna come see you. tell me where you are and i'll come and get you."

she broke down in tears again momentarily. she stopped the tears just long enough to tell him where she would be.

"thank you...i will see you soon..." and then hung up.

an hour later.

the beat up and worn down car drove by the cafe she had told him to meet her at. his heart beat a little faster at the anticipated reunion. parking his car he then walked toward the small cafe. looking in one of the front windows he saw her. she sat there with her head down and her face was mostly covered by a sheet of hair but he knew it was her. for a second he wondered at the timing of it all, he'd been thinking about her a lot recently...wondering what was going on with her and her life. he'd seen her at his homecoming talk but hadn't been able to talk to her very much and since then their lives hadn't collided yet. this would be the first time they had really talked in nearly two years...and oh had he missed her.

he opened the door and walked toward her. she didn't know he was there yet and for a moment he stood slightly behind her, but not for long.


she turned around quickly. she knew it was him. it was his voice. seeing his face she couldn't help but smile, even on her tear-stained face. she'd never been able to hold back a smile from him. he smiled back. she jumped up and gave him one of the most heartfelt hugs she had ever given.

and the tears came.

and somehow in that moment they both knew again, that everything would be Okay.


yah, i know...a little cheezy. but it's mine. if it's not too much cheese for you, then i might share another one with you sometime.

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