Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wanna See My Puppy?!?!

So in the last post . . . posted only a couple of minutes ago - I'm bored. okay?


I mentioned my puppy. He's on the right and on the left is his mommy - Deli. She died a few years ago - I miss her a lot. She got fat and had diabetes so we had to put her down. I miss herl. She was so cuddly and very protective and just . . . the best dog and friend you could have ever found.

So Jack was her son . . . neighborhood dog and Deli had a little fun one night after she ran away and she ended up getting pregnant. So Deli was a Border Collie and Golden Retriever mix and then Jack and his bros and sista's are Collie, Ausi and Golden Retriever mix. Makes for a VERY smart dog . . .

He once ate the butter clean off of the table without moving a single chair and without leaving any dog hair . . . don't ask me how in the world he did it but he did.

So Deli and Jack. They have been the main two dogs in my life :)

I just wanted to show you what they looked like really. Aren't they beautiful?

Jack . . . he's sooooooo handsome eh? haha :D My friend Brittani thought a while ago that Jack was hitting on her. He kissed her square on the lips. It was classic. Jack thinks she's a babe. haha!

Well anyway - That's my Jackyboy and Deli. :D

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