Tuesday, December 6, 2011


saturday: my phone rang {well...not mine, i was at the nutcracker so i had my mom's cell phone on me} i had to ignore it because i was busy watching my friend and his sister perform. but i called afterward and guess what? they got their calls.

madison has been called to the Malaga, Spain mission. he will be leaving march 28th.
cameron will be leaving the same day and serving in Barcelona, Spain.

it's incredible...

i love these missionary things.

my brother comes home in exactly a week from tomorrow. i'm counting down the day and seriously...i have never been more excited for anything in my entire life. even ask my best friend...i went crazy even over the phone talking about it with him. it's awesome.

i'm kind of scared that jordon won't really...remember me? but then, not because i was closer to him than any of the others before he left. i'm just...nervous. i can hardly wait to squeeze and give him hugs again. i remember missing his hugs so much after he left. now i get to hug him again!

in his letters too he has changed. his testimony is so strong now. it's probably one of the best parts of my week reading his emails home...he has grown into a strong young man of the gospel. i'm excited to write occasional letters to my other friends soon to go on missions too, i hope to see that same change in them as i have seen in my own brother. that would be wonderful.

i also have an acquaintance/friend who will be leaving for his mission tomorrow. it's just an interesting situation...let's just say i'm happy he is going and excited for him to learn some things about life. in an awkward sense...{and i'm not making fun of him in any way, and not using a name for a reason.} {and he may have said it jokingly, but ...still..} he kind of asked me to wait for him, or at least to not get married while he is away. it was...a strange texting conversation and i happened to end it soon following because really? what do i say to that? no i'm not going to wait for you? no i wouldn't not get married because of you? hm. just an awkward situation all around. he's a good boy, and has lots of potential. i'm excited to see what the Lord does with him.

also my dear friend kait leaves the day before my brother Jordon comes home. i have never actually met her...but i would love to go to her farewell. i read her blog...often. hers is my favorite. even more so than meg now. i don't know but in the words of Anne of Green Gables - i kind of feel like she is a kindred spirit. such a love for life and happiness in loving the people all around her...she's incredible. i'm excited for her to serve too...it gives me hope about my desire to serve a mission someday. and although it would be putting certain parts of my life on hold for another five years...instead of three...i truly believe it is worth it.

somehow it has to be worth it.

so good luck kait, and may providence be with you. good luck my friend who leaves tomorrow, congratulations and happiness for madison and cameron and welcome home soon to my very dear brother, jordon.

{post script: all my lady friends who i have in past days tried to convince you that you might marry jordon so that we may be sisters...i do believe he has remained oblivious to that fact. do not, i repeat, do not spill the beans to him that i advertised him. he would be less appreciative. hahaha}

{post post script: the picture is of jordon. he's still short and scrawny from what i can tell from any missionary pictures} (:

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