Tuesday, August 2, 2011

random cravings of the day. but not day six.

today was boring. i'm postponing day six's 30 day challenge till tomorrow.

gay and lesby commercials make me feel awkward. and weird.

i wish it weren't just the back of my hair that was curly, otherwise i'd wear it natural every day.

sometimes my music swears. i don't like it...but it makes me feel rebellious.

excitement is pulsing through my veins. i miss kelsey. just counting the hours now.

add video journal entries to that list of awkward.

tonight i lied down in the middle of my driveway, listening to indie pop and watching stars.

i also thought a little bit about madison. just a little. {understatement of a lifetime? maybe.}

walking jack is a good time to day dream about where my life is headed.

crystal light tastes really bad after eating orange sherbert/vanilla mixed ice cream.

harry potter's voice changes a lot between the first and second years' films.

i'm tired of apologizing to people who don't give a dang.

my face is beginning to get acne...? help...?

being nervous for auditions brings on pms. sorry.

tears scare men.

beeswax is really good for making your lips smooth.

if i were switched at birth i would be a lot less dramatic than bay and daphne.

i'm almost out of post-it notes. i need to run to wal-mart.

there's a spider bite on my back...ew.

where did i get the romantic idea of my love kissing tears off my face? that's awkward.

i can't change how much i think, talk or how i react to things.

so i need to find someone who can love me for exactly myself. drama princess and all.

my sweats are dirty again. dangit.

does anyone know where i can find a good guyfriend? i need a best friend. i'm willing to pay.

draper, timpanogos, bountiful...i still have no idea where i want to be married.

anywhere but provo. sorry.

next time i see this one person i'm not sure how i will react. will i gouge out her eyes or give her a big bear hug? probably the second one...i'd rather not be charged with physical assault.

is voodoo a viable possibility?

if my parents remarried each other...are they my step-parents as well?

i think randomly a lot.

ooh. lightning in payson. liars go to payson.

coffee smells really good. it's too bad i would never drink it.

i want to go to gold's gym at five in the morning just so i can stare awkwardly at my favorite blogger of all time. if only i didn't live three quarters of an hour away...

i want bullet bike. along with the white subaru outback i've wanted since i was 12.

copycats suck.

i'm a copycat.


hey so it's like...kind of late, i'm going to bed now. but in all honesty i'll probably think a ton more about y'know, that person, and then wait for my mom to get home and then stay up late talking. hm. good plan kaylla. {imagine team putting hands together..."break!"}


{post script} the neighbor's cat? yah, that one...it's posessed. i swear it on the bible.

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