Friday, September 17, 2010

Guy Crazy

I'm guilty. With that off of my chest then I'll just say I hate it when girls hang around guys and . . . be like that. It kind of goes way too close to grossing me out.

There's a girl in my class who I've known since 5th grade who I love, yes, but who also annoys me like none other. Two people in this world do that - her and another girl. No names here either - just in case. BUT these two people . . . they seem to be attracted to the same guys as me. So for the past two weeks - if I like a guy, then he's practically in-accessible to even talk to because one or the other or BOTH are hitting on him.

Today I had my own little victory; if that's what you want to call it of course. I was just myself and had a lot of fun today but also when one of those certain girls was talking to him I jump started her - yeah whatever I got a slight glare but what do I care? I got my victory - the attention was all mine and I made her look foolish. I'm so horrible. That's why girls should never like guys and vice-versa or even be attracted until college when they can actually get married - it's way too distracting. And heartbreaking.

But I have comfort from one thought - the man who falls in love with me won't like the people I don't like, and will see those things in them too. In other words - if a guy likes me then he won't like any of those other two girls.

Another sad thing is that one of those girls got the part that I wanted in the play Fiddler on the Roof. But I think I've already said this - Far From The Home I Love is still my song. No changing that.

My friends tease each other non stop about boys - in a sarcastic way. I don't think any of us actually like someone (except me - I'm the weirdo of this group) :D which is great in a way. Hopefully I bring a fresh tide of water on their humor. I love them with all my heart. They're the only thing that makes not being liked by a guy worth it.

Every girl wants a guy to crush on her right? Or am I really wrong and super abnormal in my desire that a good guy with at least a decent physique will like me. Why is it that with guys Physique and Intelligence rarely go together? That's why I want to get to know No Name better I guess . . . to see if there's any gritty knowledge underneath those looks. :)

The hilarious part is how I'm not telling any names. If one of them read this they would know right off if it were them so why hide it? Oh well - not gonna change that ;)

I put as my gmail status "Love sucks lemons". I believe some explanation is needed.

Love sucks. Suck lemons is kind of a hippie way of saying when life gives you lemons make lemonjuice . . . except not. Sucking lemons if you haven't noticed is REALLY hard without . . . laughing and splattering the sour juices all over your friends. So when I say Love Sucks Lemons it means that being in love is like sucking a lemon, you know there's the potential for something really refreshing but the truth of the matter is that it tastes really bad.

*I'm done venting :D hopes and dreams are useless unless you do something about them.

*Never tell those hopes and dreams to people who don't care - they'll make you realize they're impossible which will prevent you from achieving them.

*Never take the same path as before - new ones bring different sores and sometimes worse ones but usually the beauty of the path is breathtaking; and if it isn't then go back to the old path next time.

*Be yourself - it's the only person you'll ever truly know except for Christ; you'll always go back to yourself and find that you're okay - that life is worth living as just you.

*Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches are worth their weight in gold.

*Tears cleanse the soul but too much cleaner leaves a bad smell and the case of tears . . . difficult vision.

*If you don't have enemies in life then you're not living your life right.

*Never recycle something that no one wants to use anyway.

*Take pictures of yourself being a goofball . . . and post it on facebook or wherever you go so people don't get the wrong idea.

*Go a day with your hair looking like you just took a shower and did nothing else with it. People will either tell you it's ugly or cute and those who tell you it's ugly . . . well they weren't much of a good friend to begin with now were they?

*Give advice that means nothing at least once a day.

*Read books that will change your life. Don't change your favorite books so that you can read your life.

*Country music is for people who are comfortable singing off-key loudly and loving the way it sounds. If that's not you then you need to practice loving the unlovable aspects of yourself.

*Step outside of your comfort zone once a day . . . sooner or later your comfort zone is going to be so big that you won't even know what that phrase means anymore.

*Go mute and deaf for a complete day at least once in your life.

*Never let someone tell you that love isn't worth the pain. Pain is the only proof that we're alive and human - and if love makes us feel that then Why Not?

DID you like my advice? It was all rather random but I had fun writing it :D I need to take my own advice on some of it but hopefully whoever reads this someday, it will mean something to them :)

Love you!


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