Sunday, August 29, 2010


I've been looking at other people's blogs recently and I've noticed that more people than not write about their actual lives . . . and I realized, I don't have much of a life to write about. My life literally is pretty boring. There aren't even any "cute" or "interesting" moments. And so . . . I think I'd better start creating them more, don't you? :D

Well it's Sunday and tomorrow we go to school. When I left school I was so excited for this day to come and now I'm just anxious. What if I don't wake up on time? What if I forget to do my first assignment? What if all my friends abandon me? What if I decide to abandon all my friends and hitchhike to Georgia . . . sleepwalking . . . yeah - that one's not as likely. Still - I do want to go to Georgia. What if I make a mess of something important? What if I have an arch enemy for the first time since 7 grade? :D

In my Junior year I'll be having the same teacher I had in 8th grade and from that original class only six of us are returning. Rather depressing, but we have some really neat additions :D since then, (ReallyShawn I'm talking about you) and some undesirable ones . . . (Lilly you know what I'm talking about if you ever care to read your own sista's blog). And so on.

I'm nervous . . . this year I want life to be good, last year had so much emotional stuff to last me through this year right? right. List . . . Older "friend" problems, parents' divorce, my Sunday School teacher died (my favorite teacher - my friends dad -- I remember I couldn't stop crying that day), then January 6th, moving two times in three months, self worth issues, James, then some even more personal stuff than all that . . . whoooeeeee!!!! I was an emotional hurricane! Haha :D

So a goal for this year? No Drama. I'm going to go to school every day and learn and then I'm going to come home and do my homework and then I'm going to bed. On Tuesday and Fridays I will watch one tv show (I LOVE COVERT AFFAIRS AND HAVEN!!!) and then occasionally on weekends I will hang out with friends. End of year end of drama. :D Good plan right? No crushes no drama. I feel better already! :)

Well I've got to get ready for church. I'll be sure to post especially for the First and Second days of school.

Lots of Love! (I figured out that that could go for LOL as well as laugh out loud . . . so anyway)


Oh! a lady said she might ask me to babysit, made me feel good. yay!

1 comment:

ReallyShawn said...

Haha Why thank you for the shout-out. I'm glad you think I'm neat. :D
Oh, and have I mentioned that I LOVE Covert Affairs and Haven?