Monday, July 12, 2010

Social Inadequacy

So I've been pondering . . . well not really pondering but I wanted something to write about so I'm going to say I pondered about it . . . about SOCIAL INADEQUATES.

Interesting phrase eh? Yeah I heard it off of a movie. It means someone who is a nobody in the social world. So I've never really met one because I guess you could say I make friends with them. So I found this picture - and it's titled Chipmunk View. It's the view of someone down below looking up or above.

So I'm just here to express my sympathy or in older times, empathy of those who choose to be in those positions because in all honesty - they choose that. And I know for a fact that clothes and clothing size and family money make you popular although that certainly helps. But rather what makes someone a someone in the social world is . . . they're willingness to reach out to others. When I first started at public school for the one month that I went there, I read online somewhere that the way to make friends when talking to someone is to compliment them. FOCUS ON OTHERS.

So there's my advice for the day. I should probably stop posting so much . . . I just like the idea of publishing my own stuff. Besides, I can basically say whatever I want, because after this is my blog and who's gonna really read this and be interested? (maybe a couple of my friends but :) does that count?) haha.

So I watched the Princess Diaries movie recently and heard this quote:

"My expectation in life is to be invisible . . . and I'm good at it!"

So . . . if this is you - jump out of your shell - don't crawl and don't slide - JUMP! And even if you don't want to - just be yourself. That's what life is all about - learning to accept and find who you really are. :)

Now I'm done with my wisdom moment. ByE!


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